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NCHC25 - Celebrating 60 Years – Charting Partnerships and Collaborations to Inspire Honors

Event Date: November 6-9, 2025

Welcome to the NCHC25 proposal submission process! We invite the NCHC community to share your incredible work, research, and knowledge by submitting your proposals for NCHC25.

Start the submission process by clicking the button below. If you do not have an account, you will be prompted to create one before proceeding to the proposal submission form.

Due to a recently discovered issue in the proposal submission form, co-authors listed in the submission form were not notified and added as a collaborator on recent submissions. We are currently working on a solution to grant co-authors access. Because of this system issue, we have extended the proposal submission deadline to March 7.

Co-authors: Please stay tuned for further communications from our team as we work to correct this issue and grant you access to your groups' submissions. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Get Started/Submit a Proposal

Review the Conference Theme